About eVoteMinder

The easy-to-use Conference Voting System

Established in 2013, eVoteMinder is the ultimate electronic voting (evoting) system. It's solid, transparent and easy-to-use architecture is based on years of research and useabilty analysis. Plus sound Canadian technical knowledge and experience.

Some one hundred thousand (100,000) voters have used evoteMinder to cast their ballots with absolutely no difficulties. And none of our over 450 elections have ended up in dispute because the eVoteMinder electronic voting system has a paper trail that each voter as well as officials verify. That way, every step of our elections is optimally transparent and the results are verifiable.

Our clients include the Union of Industry, Commerce and FInance (UNICOF), The National Presbytery of the Ghana Baptist Convention, the General Assembly Presbyterian Church of Ghana together with over 200 congregations across Ghana, Military religious organizations spanning the northern, western and southern sectors of Ghana, etc.

eVoteMinder can be used for Single Choice Leadership Elections, Multiple Choice Committee Elections, Referenda, etc.

And so far, our voters routinely include persons in rural and urban centers, highly learned people, stark illiterates, males and females between the ages of 16 and 86 years.

So What Do you Need to Conduct an eVotetMinder Election?

The conference version of eVoteMinder is very easy to engage. You only supply us with the names of your candidates (and headshots where applicable), the number of voters that will participate in the election, the duration that you wish the election to span, and that's it. Everything else is done by the eVoteMinder system, election poster and all.

Get in Touch

Drop your details and let's do business!